Some folks were once discussing a news story that said dogs were being stolen, presumably for use
in illegal dog fights for gambling purposes. One of the ladies was especially disturbed by the thought
that someone might steal her beloved chow and expose her to a fight to the death. One of the men who
knew the woman and her dog, suggested that Midnight (her dog) would be more likely to want to play
with her opponent! Doesn’t that make you wonder how someone could turn a lovable family pet into an
animal that would fight to the death? I presume it would be done by subjecting the dog to a combination
of abuse and nelgect designed to turn it into a vicious fighting animal. Such activity is and should be
criminal. Just ask Michael Vick.
But, there is a significant application of this line of thought to what is happening to many children in

our world. Jesus taught that children reflect the innocence that is to characterize members of His king-
dom (Matt. 18:2-4). The Bible does teach that there is “foolishness” in the heart of children that re-
quires discipline (Pro. 22:15). But it is the foolishness of immaturity and not evil maliciousness (see 1

Cor. 14:20). Unfortunately malice is an adult trait that children develop only when their training is neglected or
they are simply abused. It is really sad to think of a dog being turned into a vicious fighting animal. But
it is a hundred times sadder to think of children being turned into vicious animals! Tragically we are
seeing that very thing happening in our society with more and more frequency as children are neglected
and abused. If our children are acting like vicious animals--whose fault is it?
At Lee & Walnut we love children--short ones, tall ones--fat ones, skinny ones--big ones, little ones
--boy ones, girl ones--and we have Bible classes for children of all ages on Sunday mornings and
Wednesday nights. We are more than glad to help you in the training of your children. But, parents, do
you know what? They can’t attend if you don’t bring them!
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Conceit is the only disease known to man that makes everybody
sick except the person who has it!
Have a great week!

Love ya,


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