The subject of authority is of great debate among all folks. This is an important subject because au-
thority is questioned by some, obeyed by others, rejected by some and abused by others. In the realm of

human authority this is understood. But when it comes to Christ’s authority, the only one that will be
accepted is obedience.
The definition of authority is clear: “The right to command and to enforce obedience.” Jesus Christ

has all authority (Matt. 28:28; Acts 2:36). It is of great importance that we have a proper under-
standing of the authority Christ holds.

No philosopher, sage, human creed or council has been given religious authority over other men.
Isn’t it amazing how men have yielded over to the will or creeds of men concerning religious rule?
Even in the Lord’s church there are those who “bind and loose” where the Bible certainly does not

(Matt. 16:19). No human being has the right from heaven to command and enforce a man-made re-
ligious law. Christ has “all power or authority.” He alone has the authority to command and enforce

obedience. His authority is God-given (Eph. 1:22-23). His authority was above that of the scribes
(Matt. 7: 28-29). His authority was above that of Moses and Elijah (Matt. 17:1-3). All people would
be wise to know that the authority of Jesus Christ is above the law of men (Acts 5:27-29). We must make Christ “The Authority” of our lives. Jesus makes two distinct statements showing
(at least in part) His authority. All mankind must submit to Jesus’ two statements: “If ye love me, ye
will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatever I command you”
(John 15:14). Obedience can and will be accomplished by our convictions (John 20:27-28). Not only does the
Lord know us by our convictions, but so does the world. Jesus Christ is “The Authority” of our lives
when we are in submission to Him in doing His will (Luke 6:46). Simply submitting to Jesus in doing
His will, will bring a great change in our lives. We will then be “holy” and “acceptable.” We will then
present our bodies as “a living sacrifice” to our Lord (Rom. 12:1-2). In all of this we are “transformed
(or conformed) to the will of God.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Prayers can’t be answered unless they are prayed!
Have a great week!

Love ya,


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