Things don’t just happen. The lost will never hear the gospel unless someone sees to it that they do.
Good works won’t be accomplished unless someone is willing to do those good works. No one ac-
cidentally becomes a member of the church. Who ever heard of a man awakening one morning, and to his
surprise, finds himself in God’s kingdom?
The best way to honor the One who died for us is to help the living. This is what the household of
Stephanas was doing (1 Cor. 16:15). Something needed to be done. They appointed themselves to meet
the need. They did not ask others to do it. They did not expect others to do it. That did not wait for others
to do it. They did not wait to be asked by others to do it. The service that counts is the service that costs.
David said, “Never will I offer unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing” (2 Sam. 24:24).
Don’t wait for something to happen--use your weight to make it happen. Christ is every man’s affair.
Church work is every Christian’s affair. Of what value is an inactive faith? Ambition without application
never broke any records. A person is never what he ought to be until he is doing what he ought to do. In
this life there is not only a space to be filled, but a place to be fulfilled.
A person’s loyalty is determined by what he is for--as well as what he is against. Too many want to
put the church first in words, but not in practice. What good does it do to tell people how important the
church is, without placing it first in your own life?
Children love their fathers and seek to please them. Slaves fear their masters and they obey them by
force. The child loving his father and the slave fearing his master will do one and the same thing, but we
understand the difference. Christians are not to be strapped in chains and ropes, but they are held by
something stronger--love.
God expects you to remind the living that they cannot change their past, but they can change their fu-
ture--by changing their present. If a man will take good care of his present, his future will take care of it-
self. Tomorrow will bring the fruit from the seed we planted today. Some men dig their own pitfalls and
thus determine their own downfalls. A man will never end up right unless he starts out right--but he will
never start out right unless he is taught right. That’s the way we honor the One who died for us--by
teaching the truth to the living.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Sometimes a noble failure serves the world as faithfully as a dis-
tinguished success.
Have a great week!
Love ya,


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