Last week we began a discussion of how we as Christians should deal with ugly people acting with ugly atti-
tudes (some of whom are “faithful” members of the Lord’s church). We considered the “Get Even Approach,” i.e.,

the concept of getting ugly right back. Not only does this method not work, but it is not the way Jesus acted toward

ugly people. Neither should we who follow Him seek to get ugly with those who are ugly. If the “Get Even Ap-
proach” will not work, what else can we try?

Some folks will try the “Shout It From The Housetop Approach.” If someone is ugly to them, they will tell any-
one and everyone who will listen to them about the whole matter. They never bother to go to the person who was

ugly. Didn’t Jesus teach that if a brother sins or trespasses against us we are to “...go and tell him his fault between
thee and him alone” (Matt. 18:15)? Where in the New Testament does Jesus say we can go and tell everyone else
about what has taken place? If we cannot go to our brother, we certainly have no right to tell anyone else about
what has happened. The “Shout It From The Housetop Approach” is not an option for the faithful Christian.
Others will try the “Subtle Approach.” Some gospel preachers have tried this method over the years. They drop
hints about the one who has been ugly, perhaps in a Bible class or a sermon or even in a bulletin article. The only
problem with this method is that it rarely works. The ugly person almost never recognizes himself in the article or
the hint in Bible class or the comment in a sermon. While this method is not necessarily wrong, it usually is a waste
of time.
How then do we deal with ugly acting, ugly speaking people with ugly attitudes? The best approach that I have
seen is the “Love Approach.” By that I simply mean we go to the person directly and point out their ugliness to
them--but we do it in a loving manner. And we let them know that we love them in spite of their ugliness. This is
not the easiest way to handle such people, but it is the best way. If we refuse to use this approach, then our love for
others is lacking, especially for our brother or sister. And it reveals there is something wrong with our attitude
toward our Lord’s way of doing things.
One more thing about “Ugly Is As Ugly Does.” Brothers and sisters, let’s do our best to be certain that WE are
not the ugly acting person with the ugly attitude. We should all rather be treated ugly than to treat others in an ugly
manner. Let us think before we speak and let us watch our attitudes to be sure that they are in accordance with the
Lord’s will. “All things therefore whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, even so do ye also unto them:
for this is the law and the prophets” (Matt. 7:12). Could any man have said it better than did Jesus? We think not.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: If you don’t want the fruit of sin, stay out of the orchard!
Have a great week!
Love ya,


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