It is reported that there are over 600 denominations in our nation today. This being the case, one is faced
with the question: “Is this pleasing to God--is this what God really wants to see?” Common sense tells us that
God is not at all please with the many different “churches” which exist. They bring about confusion and thus
cannot have God’s blessings. “for God is not a God of confusion, but of peace. As in all the churches of the
saints” (1 Cor. 14:33). In reference to the context from which this passage comes, Paul is dealing with the
problem of the church coming together and each person having his own psalm and his own doctrine, etc. (1 Cor.
14:26). Paul condemned such, showing that this is not what God wants to see. Such confusion comes from man
and not from God!
Today when we view the “religious world,” we see the same kind of problem. That is, with over 600 de-
nominations, each teaching its own doctrine, we have mass confusion. Surely no one will cast the blame on God
for such confusion. Jesus Christ did not establish any denominations. Thus, they exist without His authority.
Jesus said that He would build His church (Matt. 16:18). And did exactly that on Pentecost in Acts 2. Any religious body that came into existence after Acts 2 is not the church that Christ established. Thus, it
has no authority from Christ to exist. Denominations are man-made. They are built by men--governed by men--
and rest upon the authority of men. Remember Jesus said, “But in vain do they worship me, teaching as their
doctrines the precepts of men” (Matt. 15:9). Denominations have men who govern what is taught within that
congregation. The New Testament church has only Christ as its Head and only He has the right and authority to
govern what will be taught within His church. Men do not have such authority. All things are under our Lord
(Eph. 1:22-23). “And he is the head of the church...” (Col. 1:18). From these two passages we can see that
Jesus is indeed the Head of the church--the head is not some man or group of men.
Denominations bring about division. With their many different doctrines they cause men to remain in dark-
ness. Jesus prayed that such would not happen (John 17:20-21). Again, denominations do not bring about
unity, but rather division (1 Cor. 1:10). It is our sincere desire and prayer that all those who are involved in a
denomination would seriously study what the Bible reveals about the New Testament church.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: The man who says he’s as good as half the folks in church, seldom speci-
fies which half!
Have a great week!
Love ya,
with the question: “Is this pleasing to God--is this what God really wants to see?” Common sense tells us that
God is not at all please with the many different “churches” which exist. They bring about confusion and thus
cannot have God’s blessings. “for God is not a God of confusion, but of peace. As in all the churches of the
saints” (1 Cor. 14:33). In reference to the context from which this passage comes, Paul is dealing with the
problem of the church coming together and each person having his own psalm and his own doctrine, etc. (1 Cor.
14:26). Paul condemned such, showing that this is not what God wants to see. Such confusion comes from man
and not from God!
Today when we view the “religious world,” we see the same kind of problem. That is, with over 600 de-
nominations, each teaching its own doctrine, we have mass confusion. Surely no one will cast the blame on God
for such confusion. Jesus Christ did not establish any denominations. Thus, they exist without His authority.
Jesus said that He would build His church (Matt. 16:18). And did exactly that on Pentecost in Acts 2. Any religious body that came into existence after Acts 2 is not the church that Christ established. Thus, it
has no authority from Christ to exist. Denominations are man-made. They are built by men--governed by men--
and rest upon the authority of men. Remember Jesus said, “But in vain do they worship me, teaching as their
doctrines the precepts of men” (Matt. 15:9). Denominations have men who govern what is taught within that
congregation. The New Testament church has only Christ as its Head and only He has the right and authority to
govern what will be taught within His church. Men do not have such authority. All things are under our Lord
(Eph. 1:22-23). “And he is the head of the church...” (Col. 1:18). From these two passages we can see that
Jesus is indeed the Head of the church--the head is not some man or group of men.
Denominations bring about division. With their many different doctrines they cause men to remain in dark-
ness. Jesus prayed that such would not happen (John 17:20-21). Again, denominations do not bring about
unity, but rather division (1 Cor. 1:10). It is our sincere desire and prayer that all those who are involved in a
denomination would seriously study what the Bible reveals about the New Testament church.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: The man who says he’s as good as half the folks in church, seldom speci-
fies which half!
Have a great week!
Love ya,
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