The late George Burns, well known actor and comedian, was once asked who his personal heroes
were. At that time he was past the age of 90. His answer? “The guys I went to school with--George
Washington and Abraham Lincoln.” I read about some senior citizens a few years ago in one Southern
state who organized a 4H Seniors Club. It was for retirees who have Heartburn, Hernias, Headaches
and Hardening of the arteries. How we love to joke about growing old! But in Bible, old age is honored
and honorable. Some of the most valuable works in the church today are those with gray hair and, yes,
wrinkles. We should honor our “older” Christians because:
1. Their years of faithfulness mark them as special. It only takes a day for a mushroom to grow, but
it takes many years to grow a mighty oak. Some folks go in and out of the church, but those with the
gray hair have proven themselves by years of service. Paul wrote, “...fire shall try every man’s work of

what sort it is” (1 Cor. 3:13). The older, faithful Christian have been tested and have proved them-
selves to be the “real McCoy.” They are genuine Christians, truly disciples who follow the Lord.

2. Their gray hair is a sign of wisdom. 1 Kings 12 is one of the saddest chapters in the Bible. King
Rehoboam did not listen to the advice of the elders, but heeded the advice of the young men. His father

(Solomon) may have been one of the wisest men the earth has ever known, but Rehoboam was of a dif-
ferent sort. As a result of Rehoboam not taking the advice of the older men of Israel, God’s people

were divided and never again were united as one nation. In the Lord’s church today, the men who are
to serve as her leaders are men who “have gray hair” and spiritual maturity. Let’s not forget God’s plan
for leadership in the church.
Dear reader, don’t be ashamed of your gray hair. You don’t need to use Just for Men or Grecian
Formula 16 or something from Clairol. Both older men and older women need to realize that their gray

hair can be a crown of glory: “...the hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of right-
eousness” (Prov. 16:31). Few things are sadder or worse than an older person steeped in sin. And few

things are more beautiful than an older person who is found in the way of righteousness. May we all--
both young and old--strive to be found in that way!
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: The surest way to stop a red-hot argument is to lay a few cold
facts on it!
Have a great week!

Love ya,


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