I’m sure all of us have heard the expression, “Their marriage was made in heaven.” I hate to dis-
agree, but actually no marriage is made in heaven. Someone has well said, “Marriage comes in a kit and

must be put together--one day at a time--by the husband and wife--both doing their fair share. We should
realize that marriage is not a fifty/fifty proposition--it is a one hundred/one hundred proposition--
requiring both the husband and wife give one-hundred percent to make their marriage a good one--both
of them--one hundred percent of the time! A good marriage must be created--it must be built--put to- gether one day at a time.”
In the art of marriage it is the little things that are the big things.
It is never being too old to hold hands. It is remembering to say “I love you,” at least once a day. It is never going to sleep angry (You may have to stay up late a lot of nights in order to achieve this,
but the benefits are more than worth it).
It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives (Both husband and wife should adopt
the Lord’s values and their common objective should be a home in heaven).
It is standing together to face the world. It us forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family. It is speaking words of appreciation and showing gratitude in thoughtful ways. It is the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow. It is making room for the things of the Spirit (such as Bible reading and studying--worshipping God
in spirit and in truth on a regular basis--praying often, etc.).
It is a common search for the good and the beautiful--especially in each other (How much better
than the opposite: to search for the bad and the ugly!).
It is not only marrying the right partner--it is also being the right partner!

Say, how are you and your spouse doing on building your marriage? Do you see any room for im-
provement? I, for one, sure do.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Long tongues will mean short friendships!
Have a great week!

Love ya,


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