This incident is found in Luke 5:1-11. Peter caught these fish after he obeyed the Lord. Many lessons can be
found within this passage. I would like to share some of them with you.
1. The lesson of a proper attitude toward failure (v. 5). Failure at times will be the result despite our very
best efforts. Patience and skill do not always bring success. Just because we’ve done something in a certain way
doesn’t mean that it will always work. Those fishermen were not amateurs--they knew that night was the best
time for fishing. They knew the best places within the lake to cast their nets. They knew how to cast their nets

skillfully and how to bring them in again. But the wisest and best of people sometimes fail, despite their care-
fully laid plans and expertise. We should also learn from this incident not to give up too soon. It is this very

thing that tests the ability of manhood and runs a dividing line between the fainthearted and the person who
presses onward. We should learn to accept our failures and to deal with them. It has often been said, “If at first
you don’t succeed, try, try again.”
2. Jesus used a boat for a pulpit (v. 3). He requested a boat and Simon (Peter) granted that request. What a
great lesson on the stewardship of life! Whatever we yield to God, He will use it--regardless of how great or
small it is. But at the same time, whatever we withhold from God--regardless of how great or small it is--God
cannot use it. Our usefulness does not depend altogether on what we have, but rather, on what we yield to God.
The test for everyone is, “Am I using my possessions and abilities to the glory of God?”
3. The call of the deep (v. 4). Peter followed Jesus’ advice. But some people, instead of following the Lord’s

instructions, prefer the “safety first” method. Especially this is true after they have experienced failure. They be-
come too content with living in the shallows of life. In the shallows of thinking: Few people do any real thinking

or read anything that taxes their faculties. In the shallows of social interaction: When men and women meet,
what do they usually talk about? In the shallows of religion: What is our real attitude toward religion? Do we
put Jesus first as we are commanded in Matthew 6:33? Jesus also said, “Not every one that saith unto me,
Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven”
(Matt. 7:21). God constantly calls us to a deeper Bible study (2 Tim. 2:15; 1:12). God calls us to earnest prayer. Dear reader, are you willing to answer that call?
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: The Bible is most helpful when it is open!
Have a great week!

Love ya,


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