Lake Superior State University, located on the upper peninsula of Michigan, each years publishes a list of
words which “should be banished from the Queen’s English because of misuse, overuse and general useless- ness.” Among the words recently banned are “staycation...Joe the plumber...bailout...going green...and carbon
footprint.” In past years these words or phrases were banned: “yadda, yadda, go girl...victimless
crime...spousal unit...ongoing...bling...been there, done that...baddabing, baddaboom...and get-er-done”.
I love some of those phrases that are distinct among those of us in the Lord’s church. As long as they are not
used in vain repetition, they have a certain charm and even nostalgia. They include “help the preacher have a
ready recollection...seperate and apart...please stand, if it is convenient...bring us back at the next appointed
time...if you are here this morning and need to respond...the back of the pew in front of you...dinner on the
grounds...potluck (or covered dish) dinner...mark in your hymnbook...and as together we stand and sing” (Yes, I
use that last one nearly every Sunday).
But there are a few words and phrases I would like to see eliminated from our thinking and speech:
1. Later, as in “I’ll become a Christian later...or I’ll get involved, later...or I’ll become a soulwinner, later.”
2. We can’t, as it applies to budgets, programs, goals and any God-honoring dream or plan.
3. They, as spoken by a member of the church regarding the local congregation and in place of “Me, we, I, and
4. The Bible doesn’t say we can’t, as a means of skirting around clear Bible principles or areas, like our
singing where God has made His will specifically known.

5. I’m not good enough to live the Christian life. Who is? This is true, but also irrelevant (consider Philip-
pians 4:13 and (Ephesians 2:8-9). 6. That’s not really my thing, as in “I don’t want to be involved, and I’m not gonna do it--regardless!”

7. I didn’t get much out of... as in “worship...Bible class...the sermon” or any other spiritual activity that re-
quires effort and input and which, when given, helps a person to get so much out of whatever he or she is doing.

8. I know I should...but, as it applies to anything. If we know we should, why don’t we? Especially when it
comes to doing God’s will. Keep in mind what is said in James 4:17. You might have your own lists of words or phrases to suggest. Feel free. Let us seek to banish those sayings
(and mindsets) that suggest doubt, defeat and discouragement!
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: As Christians we should learn two things about our tongues: How to hold
them and how to use them!
Have a great week!

Love ya,


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