The Bible reveals God by describing Him and His nature. The character of God is manifested in
terms that can be understood. Some terms are analytical--others are figurative or linguistic that establish
His nature. The means of determining the essence of God as a Supreme Being are found in definitive
words like: eternal--spirit--omniscient--omnipresent--omnipotent--immutable and faithful. Today and
the next two Sundays we want to look at each of these terms in turn: three today, two next week and the
final three two weeks from now.
1. God is eternal. Examples of this are seen in creation (Rom. 1:18-20). The words that describe His
eternal nature are “I am that I am” and the name “Jehovah.” Both of these come from the root meaning
that expresses “the One who is” or “the existing One.” God is without beginning or end. He has always
existed. In Daniel He is called “the Ancient of days.” Unlike anything we can learn by experience,
eternity is boundless by both time or space. God is therefore immortal or eternal (Ex. 3:13-14; 6:1). 2. God is Spirit. The Bible uses the word PNEUMA (we get our word “pneumatic” from this same word),
like air. No one has seen God at any time (John 1:18). Jesus, His only begotten Son revealed His nature
to man (John 1:16-19). Jesus discussed this nature with the woman at the well of Jacob (John 4:23). Thus God is not bound by physical limitations. God’s other qualities will help us to qualify our
understanding and define His spiritual nature.
3. God is one God (unity). The Godhead is declared to consist of three personalities (i.e., the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit). Take the time to read Genesis 1:27; Colossians 2:9; John 1:1-2; Acts 5:3-4;
2 Corinthians 13:13-14, etc. Each of the three Personalities are all God joined in unity of purpose and
character. The New Testament places the Godhead as the Supreme Head of the universe. Nevertheless
distinct in personalities as we see them in the Bible, they will one day be reunified at the end of time into
the one Godhead (1 Cor. 15:24). At present the Son is at the right hand of the Father (1 Pet. 3:22; Col.
3:1) and the Holy Spirit has His special medium and mission in history as that part of the Godhead
bringing about inspiration and making intercession (along with Christ [Rom. 8:26, 34]) on behalf of the
Think about these things. We will continue this article in two weeks (if the Lord is willing).
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: No one can become a Christian on his own terms!
Have a great week!

Love ya,


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