It is said that Albert Einstein did not speak until he was four years old and did not read until he was
seven. Beethoven’s music teacher said about him, “As a composer, he is hopeless.” When Thomas
Edison was a boy his teachers said that he was so stupid he could never learn anything. When F. W.
Woolworth was 21 he got a job in a store, but was not allowed to wait on customers because he “didn’t
have enough sense.” Walt Disney was onced fired by a newspaper because he was thought to have “no
good ideas.” Caruso was told by one music teacher, “You can’t sing! You have no voice!” Louisa May
Alcott was told by one editor that she was incapable or writing anything that would have popular appeal.
These are but a few examples of individuals who achieved recognition and success in their lives
despite the negative comments and criticism of others. These all refused to say, “I can’t.”
When an individual’s life is characterized by a negative, defeatist attitude, at least two unfortunate
results emerge: 1) Failure is assured. This causes unhappiness, disappointment and depression. Nothing
of value was ever accomplished by a person who approached a task with the felling of certainty that
he/she could not succeed. 2) Demonstration is made to the world that Christ has not made a difference in
the life of that person. The world will never be drawn to nor seek to emulate/imitate a life which does
not radiate confidence and joy--both of which are outgrowths of genuine faith in the Lord.
The apostle Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4: 13). Now
that is a life that radiates confidence and joy! Paul’s life had both of these things because he had genuine
faith that Jesus is the Son of God. Paul’s attitude was not “I can’t,” but rather “I can!”
The choice is yours. No one can make it for you. Can you develop a confident and joyous approach
to life which will attract unbelievers to Christ (who is the very source of your confidence and joy)? The
world says, “No, you can’t.” But God and Christ and the Bible all say, “Oh, yes, you can!” And so can I.
So what is holding us back? Could be a lack of genuine faith?
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: We cannot lead someone else to the light while we are standing in
the dark.
Have a great week!

Love ya,


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