Last week in the first part of this article, we listed five plain facts for young and old: 1) Forni-
cation is sin 2) Homosexual activities are contrary to nature and to God’s will 3) Pornography is
a medium for lust and lasciviousness 4) Things done in secret are never hidden from God 5) Love
is not an excuse for sexual sin. Today, let us continue with five more plain facts for young and old.
1. Married love is God’s plan for sexual fulfillment (Heb. 13:4). The duties and privileges of the
marriage relationship are clear (1 Cor. 7:3-5). Husbands and wives are required by God’s Word to love
each other (Eph. 5:25, 27; Col. 3:18-19). Couples who “fall out of love” are not following God’s plan.
2. Marriage is for life. No teaching of Jesus is more plain than this (Matt. 19:3-9). Regardless of what
counselors, lawyers or judges might say, one who causes the breakup of their marriage for any cause
except fornication, sins against God. If he/she marries another (except when the mate put away was
guilty of fornication) it is adultery.
3. There are situations when a couple cannot stay together, but they are still married to one ano-
ther. These situations can be caused by sinful attitudes, selfishness, hatefulness, physical abuse, etc.
Even if under civil law they are divorced they are not free to marry others. The same restrictions of
fidelity apply as if they were still together. They have no more right to “court” or to contemplate ano-
ther marriage than they would if they were happily living together(1 Cor. 7:10-11). 4. There is never a marriage breakup without sin being involved. Both may not be guilty, but sin is
an essential ingredient to divorce. It is tragic how casually some men and women hurt their mates, ruin
their homes and break the hearts of their children. It is more tragic when we consider the awful and
eternal consequences of such callous disregard of the will of God (Heb. 10:20-31). 5. Marriages which are guided by the principles of Jesus Christ are happy marriages. Because
human beings are involved, there are often stresses in any marriage. But principles as in Ephesians
5:22-33; 1 Peter 3:1-8; Ephesians 4:32; Acts 20:35 and Matthew 6:33 will show the way to over-
come problems and to build happiness. Isn’t that what we want in our marriages? Let’s respect God’s
moral standards and teach our children and grandchildren to do the same!
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Envy is nearly always the mother of gossip.
Have a great week!
Love ya,
cation is sin 2) Homosexual activities are contrary to nature and to God’s will 3) Pornography is
a medium for lust and lasciviousness 4) Things done in secret are never hidden from God 5) Love
is not an excuse for sexual sin. Today, let us continue with five more plain facts for young and old.
1. Married love is God’s plan for sexual fulfillment (Heb. 13:4). The duties and privileges of the
marriage relationship are clear (1 Cor. 7:3-5). Husbands and wives are required by God’s Word to love
each other (Eph. 5:25, 27; Col. 3:18-19). Couples who “fall out of love” are not following God’s plan.
2. Marriage is for life. No teaching of Jesus is more plain than this (Matt. 19:3-9). Regardless of what
counselors, lawyers or judges might say, one who causes the breakup of their marriage for any cause
except fornication, sins against God. If he/she marries another (except when the mate put away was
guilty of fornication) it is adultery.
3. There are situations when a couple cannot stay together, but they are still married to one ano-
ther. These situations can be caused by sinful attitudes, selfishness, hatefulness, physical abuse, etc.
Even if under civil law they are divorced they are not free to marry others. The same restrictions of
fidelity apply as if they were still together. They have no more right to “court” or to contemplate ano-
ther marriage than they would if they were happily living together(1 Cor. 7:10-11). 4. There is never a marriage breakup without sin being involved. Both may not be guilty, but sin is
an essential ingredient to divorce. It is tragic how casually some men and women hurt their mates, ruin
their homes and break the hearts of their children. It is more tragic when we consider the awful and
eternal consequences of such callous disregard of the will of God (Heb. 10:20-31). 5. Marriages which are guided by the principles of Jesus Christ are happy marriages. Because
human beings are involved, there are often stresses in any marriage. But principles as in Ephesians
5:22-33; 1 Peter 3:1-8; Ephesians 4:32; Acts 20:35 and Matthew 6:33 will show the way to over-
come problems and to build happiness. Isn’t that what we want in our marriages? Let’s respect God’s
moral standards and teach our children and grandchildren to do the same!
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Envy is nearly always the mother of gossip.
Have a great week!
Love ya,
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