In the old McGuffey’s Reader is a story that strikes at one of the greatest failings of mankind. There
was an old clock that had stood for fifty years in a farmer’s kitchen, faithfully serving its owner, without
complaint. One day, for no apparent cause, it stopped. The shocked and surprised parts of the clock be-
gan to accuse one another. Finally, the dial decided to launch an investigation into the cause of the stop-
page. At last, the pendulum gave a faint tick and confessed that it was the cause of the alarming situ-
ation. The pendulum had, as the story goes, simply become tired of its way of life. The pendulum said, “I
happened this morning to calculate how many times I should have to tick in the course of only the next
24 hours; perhaps some one of you above there, can give the exact count.” The minute-hand being quick
with figures, presently replied, “Eighty-six thousand, four hundred times.” The pendulum went on to ex-
plain that the very thought of this was enough to wear one out, and when it began to multiply the strokes
of one day by months and years, it just decided to stop.
Many people who could have been successful are pitiable failures because they burdened the present
moment with the cares of the next. Why doesn’t Christianity do more for some people than what it does?
What makes Christianity live and move and have being and meaning? It is possible for a man to feed
upon the husks and never eat the kernel, to strain at the gnat and swallow the camel, to be so concerned
with the smaller things that he overlooks the weightier matters. Christianity should be a reality in all its
various relationships. It should be a living, moving, vital, meaningful force in improving our lives and
preparing us for eternity.
What is the real meaning of anything? The life of anything is its spirit. Love is the animating spirit
that gives life, meaning and purpose to Christianity. Love moved God to act in making Christianity pos-
sible. Love moves man to accept Christianity as it applies to his life in his obedience to God. When God
measures a man, He puts the tape around his heart--not around his head! Your endurance tells what kind
of faith you have.
Making Christianity real is what life is all about. Christ is our example of courage, friendship, en-
couragement, caring, patience, love, prayer, comfort, loving children, surrender, growth, tolerance, ser-
vice and faith. Are you following His example--or that of mere men?
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: For God so loved the world that He didn’t send a committee!
Have a great week!
Love ya,


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