The greatest thing that one can do for another is to bring that soul to the Lord. The Bible says, “...he
that winneth souls is wise” (Prov. 11:30). People cannot be whipped into obedience--they must be won to
obedience. But for souls to be won, someone must do the winning. It is by assistance and not by accident
that people are brought to Christ. Until someone is willing to give that assistance, they most likely will
never be saved.
It is practice, not theory, that perfects. Philip was eager to guide the eunuch to a full understanding of
the verses he was reading. It was a passage that foretold of the sacrifice that Jesus would make for the
world. Philip began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus (Acts 8:35). In his preaching Philip
must have mentioned something to the eunuch about baptism, for “ they...came to a certain water
...the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?” (Acts 8:36). What would
cause this man to want to be baptized? How could he have known anything about baptism if Philip had
not told him about it? Philip had preached Jesus unto this man, but is there any connection between bap-
tism and the preaching of Jesus? Yes, for the Bible says that in baptism we come into Christ and put on
Christ (Gal. 3: 26-27). Why did this man want to be baptized? So that he might come into Christ and put
Him on.
It is practice, not theory, that perfects. “I’ll be all right now that I know you care about me.” These
words were spoken by a young Christian man who had a drinking problem. He had been baptized only a
few months before, but during that time the devil had tripped him up with a few of his cunning devices.
After falling into a few of the lesser temptations, the young man thought, “What’s the use of trying?” He
began drinking again. A few nights later Christian friends sat talking with him. One said, “I’ll stop by to
see you every day if that will help.” A few days later the young man reassured them, “I’ll be all right now
that I know you care about me.” The young man needed someone to practice Galatians 6:2, not theorize
about it.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Woe unto those church members who love entertainment in sermons
and not truth, for truth will not be theirs for long.
Have a great week!
Love ya,
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