We urge you to investigate! It is our fervent prayer that you, our friend, will not go to the
judgment of Christ without investigating the teachings of the Word of God. Why? Where you
will be in eternity depends on what you do now. We urge you to study the Bible and follow it as
the only infallible guide in religious matters. We are not a sect or a cult--we offer no creed books,
manuals or catechisms. We earnestly plead with you to investigate and follow the Bible and the
Bible only.
We would like to make you feel welcome at our worship services. This church is a happy
church and one which is always friendly to all who come our way. We have regular worship
services in which a spiritual devotion will awaken your desire to be closer to God. We have a
fine program of Bible studies in classes for all ages in which you can be a participant in studying
God’s Word. Please read elsewhere in this bulletin to find out about those services.
If you are tired of a social club atmosphere in the name religion, or if you realize that denomi-
national differences are not in harmony with God’s Word, we believe you will be interested in
the simple New Testament Christianity we try to practice.
We welcome your visit! You may expect to be treated as an honored and respected guest. If
you have any questions or would like to study the Bible in your home, please feel free to call us
or to let us know of your desire.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: One of the things we need to realize is that people can
disagree with us without being crazy, rude, crude or crooked!
Have a great week!
Love ya,


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